more woven bookmarks
small and simple...
at the VAAM Gallery
Below, another display with Wayne Conyers' mugs and bowl and my fiber landscape, "Country Road" and mugrugs...
Linen, cotton, rayon
Desk-top Mobiles: "Finding Balance" series
above, "inner strength"
coming up for air
busy, busy
Now, to get ready for the Birger Sandzen Gallery gift show and the "Festive Holiday Market" at the McPherson Opera House! More photos are coming soon.
another shawl is finished...
I also have another wool scarf coming off the downstairs loom—tonight?
my weavings in the VAAM gallery
My weavings are displayed with the floor cloth by Michaela Groeblacher, McPherson, and glass by Rick Garnett, Buhler, and wall hanging (above) by Susan Shepard, McPherson. This display was designed by fiber artist Shin-hee Chin. This is all part of "Fiber Art: Form and Function - Invitiational" at the VAAM Gallery, McPherson. Be sure to see the wonderful array of fiber art on display. The entire show was hung by Betty Jo Houchen, Elizabeth Liljegren, David Brock, and Shin-hee Chin.
Blues #2 scarf from the blues warp
The scarf is off the loom, this time with a different weft combination. I was trying to keep on task to get the fringe twisted—tedious. Here, one side is twisted and the other is about to be twisted.
Small side trip I took...
Finding Balance: Inner Strength
Finding Balance: Mystical Moment
Yarns become scarf...
The 60" scarf is finished, washed, and drying flat on my diningroom table. Tomorrow it will view the world from its post in the Visual Arts Alliance of McPherson (VAAM) Gallery.
Art in the Garden, Saturday, June 21
Yes, this is me at Art in the Garden on Saturday.
Wayne integrated his pottery in the landscape.
This is a huge and beautiful garden overlooking a small lake. Wish I had photos of the other five gardens on the tour too!
Back at home...
Another project underway
Winding warp on the warping board...
More yarn from my stash.Finally, ready to weave
Ready to go...
what I'm up to now...
Close-up of the yarns, measured and wound in chains, and ready for the loom.
Each pair of two yarns is on separate lease sticks.